Whether would a denture fixed on implants be good for me?
There are several ways to replace missing teeth, and which one the dentist recommends based on the circumstances. From a professional point of view, there are two main methods. One is the conventional prosthesis that the patient needs to glue several times a day, and the other dentures fixed on implants. There are two different implant-based denture types; one is two-phase implants; the other is one-phase implants. One-phase implants, also known as immediate loading implants, are the ideal solution today, especially in the case of complete tooth deficiency. This article will discuss one of the most up-to-date solutions, explaining why denture fixed on implants is what you should choose.
Almost half of the over-50s are wearing dentures in the form of a partial or complete dental bridge. Many people are ashamed and perhaps consider it terrible to lose their teeth, although a well-made stable and aesthetic denture cannot distinguish one's teeth. Therefore, we do not have to worry that everyone is watching our teeth while talking and smiling. It is also important to note that denture does not decay, does not cause root inflammation, does not cause pain, and is usually much less problematic than our teeth.
Common problems with conventional dentures
Do you have a removable denture that has been unstable for a long time, and you need to use more and more denture adhesives to keep it stable? Denture wearers are aware of the inconvenience of a removable denture. Even if the denture is relatively stable when finished, it quickly loosens during use and constantly loses its stability. Very often, at the most unexpected moments of life, it can put us in an awkward situation, disturbing chewing, taste perception, and even falling out. Even if it is stable, the denture covering the entire palate is very uncomfortable to use.
The most common problems caused by loose dentures
- Gums rubbed, swollen, with painful inflammation,
- Impaired taste perception,
- Digestive complaints due to insufficiently chewed food
- Regular trapped food remains,
- It is impossible to consume harder, crunchy foods,
- Changed voice training and speech,
- Lack of self-confidence in private and business life,
- Constant feeling of shame anxiety.
- None of the problems listed exist for denture fixed on one-phase implants.
There is a solution!
There is one method: denture fixed on implants (for the lower or upper, or both jaws) within a few days, and is a complete denture that is both functionally and aesthetically perfect. Of course, this is only possible with one-phase, immediate loading implants. It should note that this method is also a solution for those who suffer from a significant bone deficiency. The complete denture fixed on implants is completed within 3-5 days.
Advantages of denture fixed on implants over removable dentures
- The implants are screwed into the hole drilled in the jawbone so that the dentures attached to them always remain stable and free of displacement.
- It provides perfect chewing and biting force while keeping your dentures stable.
- Dentures fixed on immediate loading implants have almost the same chewing efficiency as their teeth, so digestion difficulty is avoidable due to poorly chewed food.
- It does not cause any proper formation and articulation problems, so the speech and the smile become natural.
- Immediately loadable implants hold dentures that do not move, do not damage the mouth and gums mucosa, and are completely stable.
- The user of such a denture forgets that they have a denture that is so light, comfortable, reliable, and stable to wear.
- The implants do not need a replacement; they remain with proper oral hygiene and constant monitoring for a lifetime.
- It's has done very quickly, 3-5 days!
The process of denture fixed on immediate loading implants
A panoramic X-ray is taken during a personal consultation to determine precisely where and how many implants are necessary to implant. We then prepare a treatment plan and discuss the expected costs.
After local anesthesia, teeth unsuitable for prosthetic care are removed on surgery, and then the implantologist inserts the needed number of implants. The first time ends with impression taking.
The next time, a metal frame test and a sample of the denture will occur. When the denture's color shapes the subject, the impression immediately goes to our dental laboratory, where colleagues make the denture. In the next 1-2 days, further tests, adjustments, and checks will carry out. On the 4th or 5th day, the denture fixed on implants will be handed over.
Who can have dentures fixed on immediate loading implants?
Anyone whose own teeth are already unsuitable for chewing, biting, or have lost them. In our experience, 99% of patients can have fixed dentures fixed on one-phase implants.
Provides perfect biting and chewing ability, restoring original sound functions and aesthetic face shape. As we have seen, denture fixed on implants offers the most in the case of missing teeth. It gives the impression of a natural denture, appearance, and function.
Many other articles on the subject can be read in our Articles section, which we recommend to the reader.
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