With the latest implantation technology, implant-based full-bridge ready in a few days
Having one or more missing teeth risk your oral health from facing various dental issues beyond tooth decay. You may experience speech impediments and even suffer from periodontal disease. We advise that you meet with your dentist and get your dental problem treated as soon as possible if you experience tooth loss. That will help you avoid and protect the rest of your teeth from further damage. The best solution you can have today is an implant-based full bridge. Let's learn more about it.
When we talk about implant-based dentures, two different methods are available today. One of them is the conventional two-phase, the other the one-phase implant, also known as immediate loading implant made denture. Although both are dental implants, there is a significant difference between those implants and the implantation method. You can find out more about the differences here.
This writing talks about complete bridges fixed on one-phase immediate loading implants. This implantation method provides high-quality, full bridges on implants. This solution is perfect for those who have lost most of their teeth. This way, no more suffering from toothlessness, and you can live a quality life again. These dentures provide the excellent capability of biting and chewing, which are one of the most needed functions of people.
Most dentists commonly recommend bridges on implants for a dental solution and specifically in case of jaw bone loss or significant teeth damage. This solution is more straightforward, less painful, and provides advantages regarding implants and implantation methods. Most importantly, it will function as it would be your own. The whole process is done in or less than five days. With our qualified oral surgeons to aid you, you don't just get a set of bridges but an implant-based full bridge that feels as comfortable as your natural teeth.
Advantages of an implant-based full bridge
Functional Restoration - Bridges help restore dental functionality. You will be able to bite, chew, and eat normally. Complete bridges also help bring back the clarity of speech that you might have lost because of tooth decay.
Force Distribution – Bridge structure also helps equally distribute the force applied to the teeth while chewing something. Hence, you can eat properly.
Stability - Since the whole bridge is attached to 8-10 stable implants placed securely into the jawbone, it is excluded that it will move during biting or chewing. Instability is one of the most significant disadvantages of traditional prostheses. People complain about it the most.
Esthetics – Another significant advantage of complete bridges on implants is that it helps restore face structure and improve your smile.
Durability and Easy Maintenance – Bridges can also last much longer than detachable dentures. And they are easier to maintain as well. You have to take care of it practically as if you had your teeth.
What is a double guarantee?
The first guarantee is what we undertake for the work done. The other one is for the implanted implants. The full warranty will be described during the free consultation, together with the warranty conditions. You can then ask questions about any warranty issues.
With many years of experience in dental implantology and advanced implantation technologies, we are confident that we provide you with the best dental solution. If you consider getting an implant-based full bridge to restore your lost teeth, iliDent can help. We guarantee that your full bridges fixed on one-phase immediate loading implants are ready in 5 days or less.
Many other articles on the subject can be read in our Articles section, which we would like to recommend to the reader.
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