A következő címkéjű bejegyzések mutatása: one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation. Összes bejegyzés megjelenítése
A következő címkéjű bejegyzések mutatása: one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation. Összes bejegyzés megjelenítése

2023. július 20., csütörtök


Learn more about one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation

One-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation is a procedure that involves the placement of immediate loading implants and the creation of long-term temporary dentures. In six months or so, it is followed by the making of permanent denture(s). This procedure is performed under general anesthesia and is suitable for patients who require extensive dental work.

There are several benefits to using one-phase implants for this procedure. Firstly, these implants are insertable in a single phase, meaning the implantation process is completed in a single intervention. Complete oral rehabilitation (upper and lower jaw) takes just a few hours. That is in contrast to two-phase implants, which require two stages for placement.

Secondly, one-phase implants are immediately loadable. That means that long-term temporary denture(s) are attachable to the implants immediately after placement. It is not possible with two-phase implants.

Thirdly, one-phase implants consist of a single piece, making implantation easier and reducing the time spent on the procedure. Additionally, one-phase implants are implantable not only in the tooth bone but also in the jaw bone, making them suitable for use in cases of bone deficiency.

One-phase implants are implantable perpendicularly or at different angles, allowing greater flexibility in reaching suitable bone tissue. That is particularly important in cases of bone deficiency and can often eliminate the need for bone replacement.

The first step in the one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation process is a free consultation with an implantologist oral surgeon who will perform the implant placement. During this consultation, the surgeon will thoroughly examine the patient’s oral cavity, including their teeth, jawbone, and gums. The patient will also undergo CT and panoramic X-ray scans to provide a clear picture of their dental health.

Before undergoing general anesthesia, the patient will consult with an anesthetist to ensure they are fit for the procedure. Once cleared for anesthesia, the patient will be put under, and the surgeon will begin by removing any teeth that are unsuitable for prosthetic treatment.

Next, the surgeon will prepare the required number of one-phase implants for implantation. These implants are then placed into the tooth- or jawbone, providing a strong foundation for the temporary and permanent denture(s).

After implantation, samples are taken for a long-term temporary denture(s). These dentures are prepared over several days and are then fixed onto the inserted immediate loading implants. The dentures are fixed in place and cannot be removed by the patient.

The entire implantation process takes several hours to complete, while the preparation of long-term temporary denture(s) takes several days. After approximately six months have passed, it is recommended that patients return for a second visit to have their permanent denture(s) made.

During this second visit, patients will have another free personal consultation with their implantologist as part of the one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation. A panoramic X-ray and another thorough oral cavity examination will be conducted to ensure that their implants are in good condition.

The long-term temporary denture(s) are removed, and samples are taken for permanent porcelain denture(s). These permanent dentures are prepared and then fixed in place, similar to temporary dentures. The necessary control tests are performed to ensure that everything is in order.

It is important to note that the cost of permanent dentures is not included in the package price for one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation. Package prices for this procedure can be found on our website.

In conclusion, one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation under general anesthesia effectively restores dental health and improves the overall quality of life. With careful planning and expert care from our team of dental implantation professionals, patients can achieve a beautiful denture(s) that lasts a lifetime.

You can find many other articles in our Articles section, which we recommend reading.
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iliDent Patient Coordinator Center © Copyright 2023

2023. április 27., csütörtök


Oral rehabilitation with a one-phase implant under general anesthesia

 We wrote several times about the importance of well-kept, healthy teeth because a toothless, neglected oral cavity is not just an aesthetic problem but also a severe health risk. If they are no longer suitable for dental care, they must remove and replace as soon as possible. Tooth replacement is possible in several ways. Our specialty is one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation, so we discuss this topic in this article. We will tell you what the term means, how you can contact us, how the communication is before the implantation, and the course of oral rehabilitation with one-phase implants.

Let's start with the fact that we perform one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation almost exclusively under general anesthesia! Since the one-phase implant is loadable immediately after implantation, it is also known as an immediate loading implant. The cost associated with it is included in the dental implantation package price.

What is a one-phase implant?
The one-phase implant is a screw made of high-purity titanium alloy that can perfectly replace the natural tooth root. The main features of the one-phase immediate loading implant are as follows:
- The one-phase implant is implantable in a single phase. Consequently, the implantation of an implant is a single intervention. The two-phase implantation takes two stages.
- It is loadable immediately. That means, among other things, that the long-term temporary denture made after implant placement attachable to the implants. That is not the case with two-phase.
- The one-phase implant consists of a single piece. Two-phase is not. It makes implantation easier, and the time spent on implantation is shorter.
- It is implantable not only in the tooth bone but also in the jaw bone. This type of implant is also usable in case of bone deficiency.
- The one-phase implant is implantable perpendicularly and at a different angle. It is essential in the case of bone deficiency because it enables the reach of the most suitable bone tissue. There is no such possibility with two-phase.
- For the reasons listed, using a one-phase implant most likely makes bone replacement unnecessary.

What is oral rehabilitation?
We speak of oral rehabilitation when there is a complete lack of teeth in the oral cavity, or the existing teeth are unsuitable for further dental treatment. Oral rehabilitation can involve the maxilla, the mandible, or both. The latter is full mouth rehabilitation. It often happens that there are still healthy-looking teeth in the mouth, but they are not worth treating for one reason or another because it is clear that the treatment would only be a short, temporary solution. There are conditions for saving the tooth from a health and financial point of view. Most importantly, it is only worth "saving" or treating a tooth if it is a long-term, reliable solution.

What oral rehabilitation solutions exist?
Oral rehabilitation in the traditional way is more common, while the other is based on dental implants. In the conventional method, the prosthesis rests on the gums and is fixed by gluing or using an artificial vacuum floor. In most cases, the latter solution also requires gluing. These dentures are not fixed, so they are removable by the patient. Unfortunately, its users face many problems. Examples include lousy biting and chewing force, instability, resulting gingivitis, and other discomforts.

Technically and in terms of the result, the other, much more advanced tooth replacement solution is a dental implant-based denture. In our case, one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation is tooth replacement with immediate loading implants. The other dental implant family that ln use for a long time is the traditional two-phase implant. Both implants are perfectly suitable for replacing the natural tooth root, but the two-phase only if certain conditions exist. In this article, we mention the two-phase method only for comparison purposes.

How to start if you interested in a one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation
Appointment request. There are several ways to request an appointment for oral rehabilitation with a one-phase implant. The most obvious is to request an appointment online. Most dentistry, so we also provide additional options for booking appointments, for example, via phone and various apps.

Making an appointment online is convenient, as it is available 24/7. Almost every website has a CONTACT page, where you must fill out a form and upload an X-ray or other document. In most cases, the patient can also leave a short message.

It is also possible to contact us by phone. In larger clinics, a receptionist takes incoming calls, but there are many dental practices where the assistant also does this. They may be busy with treatment, so they cannot receive calls. In such cases, the patient may simply move on.

High-end dental clinics are also accessible via apps. The most used applications are Facebook, Viber, Messenger, and WhatsApp. These interfaces are more for contact, but it is also possible to register and request an appointment by calling the patient back on the given phone number. This option is popular because it is available at any time.

When contacting us, we try to give a consultation within five working days, and if it is acceptable to the patient, we agree on the consultation time. The consultation is free with us, but it is the patient's responsibility to attend!

Personal consultation
One-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation treatment's first step is a personal consultation, as is customary in other areas of healthcare. The patient must be prepared mentally and in other respects for oral rehabilitation treatment. A consultation with the implantologist is part of conscious preparation.

An accurate diagnosis is almost exclusively possible during a personal meeting. The consultation is an excellent opportunity for the patient to know the oral surgeon directly. During the informal conversation, the patient gets answers to all of their questions. On the other hand, a kind of sympathy and trust develops toward the doctor, which is necessary for a successful intervention.

Oral rehabilitation with one-phase implants continues with CT and X-ray imaging. Both are necessary because the X-ray only gives a two-dimensional image. At the same time, the cbCT is a 3-dimensional imaging system developed specifically for dental implant placement, which creates a scaled, three-dimensional digital image of the jawbone.

Successful implantation is not possible without imaging systems. The implantologist must be aware of the patient's teeth and jawbone condition since, without this, he cannot determine the number of implants and the exact location of the implantation. Regardless of the type of implant, this is essential information for the oral surgeon.

Based on the recordings, a thorough oral cavity examination follows. Apart from missing teeth, we can say dental implantation is only possible in the case of a healthy, inflammation-free oral cavity. Certain conditions must be met for oral rehabilitation to occur with a one-phase implant.

The consultation also includes getting to know the patient's general health. Are you under any medical treatment? If so, what exactly is it? Do you take any medication? If so, what, and are you allergic to a medicine? If so, to which prescriptions are you sensitive, and so on? The implantologist diagnoses and informs the patient when all necessary information is available.

After that, they prepare a treatment plan and a quote, valid for three months. At this time, information is provided about the general anesthesia performed by anesthesiologists and what preliminary tests are required for anesthesia. That is mostly lab and EKG testing.

How is one-phase implant placement occurring?
Consultation with the anesthesiologist, general anesthesia
If the results of the tests (laboratory, EKG) are in order and the patient has signed the declaration of consent required for the intervention, the consultation with the anesthesiologist begins. During this, the anesthesiologist asks questions and provides information about general anesthesia. If everything is OK, the anesthesia starts, and the surgery itself.

Removal of teeth unsuitable for dental treatment
The patient's oral cavity almost always contains teeth unsuitable for prosthetic care. Teeth removal is usually smooth, but a tooth may have only its root in the tooth bone, which is more challenging to remove. These teeth must remove before implantation.

The most important part of the intervention is the one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation in both jawbones in the case of upper, lower, or both. The single-piece one-phase implant is implanted through the gums into the tooth bone or, if necessary, into the jaw bone. Depending on the situation, 8-10 one-phase implants are usually implanted.

The two most significant advantages of a one-phase implant over a two-phase one are:
- If necessary, it is implantable not only in the tooth bone but also in the jaw bone. It is done in case of missing bone.
- The long-term temporary denture is not sitting on the gums but directly on the implants.

After the implants are in, a panoramic X-ray is taken so the implantologist can ensure that the implants are in order. He must be sure they are where indicated in the implantation plan. We remove sutures in 5-7 days after that.

Long-term, temporary denture(s)
The first part of oral rehabilitation is done with the preparation and delivery of long-term temporary denture(s). They will remove sutures after 6-8 days and then takes a sample for the long-term temporary denture, which our dental technician prepares. The day after implantation, there is a control examination, and further control examinations are possible as needed until the suture is removed.

Permanent denture(s)
The second part of one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation is the preparation of the permanent denture(s). That usually takes place 6-8 months after implantation. It can happen later, but we recommend doing it within a year. The price of the permanent denture is not included in the implantation package price. It takes about a week to make and consists of three parts, which means three appearances.
- The first time an X-ray is taken, it continues with removing the long-term temporary denture and ends with an impression taking.
- The second time the framework test occurs, the trial of the structure on which the dental technician will fix the final teeth later.
- On the third occasion, the permanent porcelain denture or dentures are tested and permanently bonded. The permanent denture is fixed and not removable by the patient.

Once the one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation tooth replacement is complete, we inform the patient about the need and timing of control examinations, correct dental care, and other helpful information

Why must oral rehabilitation be performed with one-phase implants under general anesthesia?
Most dental treatments are performable with local anesthesia, including implant placement. However, there are cases when the treatment is recommended under general anesthesia, such as oral rehabilitation based on dental implants. Replacing one or several teeth with immediate loading implants is almost always performed under local anesthesia. In such cases, effective pain relief is possible without general anesthesia since it is a relatively short time and a specific, small area of the oral cavity.

The situation is entirely different when the intervention affects the whole oral cavity, such as in the case of mouth rehabilitation. In this case, general anesthesia is necessary for two main reasons.

1. The entire oral cavity is affected. During oral rehabilitation with one-phase implants, the whole oral cavity is involved, the upper, lower, or both jawbones. That is such a large surface area that adequate pain relief is almost impossible with local anesthesia. Effective pain relief is significant from the point of view of both the success of the dental implantation and the patient's sense of comfort.

2. Long-term intervention. Another reason oral rehabilitation must perform under anesthesia is that it is a reasonably long operation. The long time for full mouth rehabilitation can be up to four hours or even longer. Effective pain relief is not possible with local anesthesia for such a long time. That is the second reason oral rehabilitation with one-phase implants is almost exclusively performed under general anesthesia. The price of the anesthesia is included in the implantation package price.

What does the one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation package price include?
We summarize the oral rehabilitation process based on immediate loading implant (one-phase implant) and what is included in the package price. The procedure is the same for the upper, lower, or both jawbones. Of course, each treatment phase takes a little longer in the latter case

First time
- Personal consultation with the implantologist.
- CT and panoramic X-rays.
- Thorough, all-encompassing oral cavity examination.
- General anesthesia.
- Removal of teeth unsuitable for dental care.
- Preparation of the required number of one-phase implants for implantation.
- Implantation of the required number of one-phase implants.
- Sampling for long-term temporary denture(s).
- Creation of a long-term, temporary denture(s) fixed on the implants.
- Bonding the long-term temporary denture(s). The dentures are fixed and not removable by the patient.
- The necessary control tests.

Second occasion
- Personal consultation.
- Panoramic X-ray.
- Examination of the oral cavity, particularly regarding the implanted one-phase implants.
- Sampling for the permanent denture.
- Preparation of permanent porcelain denture(s).
- Fixation of the permanent porcelain denture(s) on the implants. The dentures are fixed and not removable by the patient.
- Control tests and advice.

This article explained the essential information for those interested in one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation treatment. We said that replacing missing teeth is possible in several ways, including oral rehabilitation with the one-phase implant. We talked about what the term means, how contact is possible and the communication before the intervention, and finally, about the course of oral rehabilitation. If you have any questions, please contact us.

You can find many other articles
in our Articles section, which we recommend reading.
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iliDent Patient Coordinator Center © Copyright 2023