Learn more about one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation
One-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation is a procedure that involves the placement of immediate loading implants and the creation of long-term temporary dentures. In six months or so, it is followed by the making of permanent denture(s). This procedure is performed under general anesthesia and is suitable for patients who require extensive dental work.
There are several benefits to using one-phase implants for this procedure. Firstly, these implants are insertable in a single phase, meaning the implantation process is completed in a single intervention. Complete oral rehabilitation (upper and lower jaw) takes just a few hours. That is in contrast to two-phase implants, which require two stages for placement.
Secondly, one-phase implants are immediately loadable. That means that long-term temporary denture(s) are attachable to the implants immediately after placement. It is not possible with two-phase implants.
Thirdly, one-phase implants consist of a single piece, making implantation easier and reducing the time spent on the procedure. Additionally, one-phase implants are implantable not only in the tooth bone but also in the jaw bone, making them suitable for use in cases of bone deficiency.
One-phase implants are implantable perpendicularly or at different angles, allowing greater flexibility in reaching suitable bone tissue. That is particularly important in cases of bone deficiency and can often eliminate the need for bone replacement.
The first step in the one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation process is a free consultation with an implantologist oral surgeon who will perform the implant placement. During this consultation, the surgeon will thoroughly examine the patient’s oral cavity, including their teeth, jawbone, and gums. The patient will also undergo CT and panoramic X-ray scans to provide a clear picture of their dental health.
Before undergoing general anesthesia, the patient will consult with an anesthetist to ensure they are fit for the procedure. Once cleared for anesthesia, the patient will be put under, and the surgeon will begin by removing any teeth that are unsuitable for prosthetic treatment.
Next, the surgeon will prepare the required number of one-phase implants for implantation. These implants are then placed into the tooth- or jawbone, providing a strong foundation for the temporary and permanent denture(s).
After implantation, samples are taken for a long-term temporary denture(s). These dentures are prepared over several days and are then fixed onto the inserted immediate loading implants. The dentures are fixed in place and cannot be removed by the patient.
The entire implantation process takes several hours to complete, while the preparation of long-term temporary denture(s) takes several days. After approximately six months have passed, it is recommended that patients return for a second visit to have their permanent denture(s) made.
During this second visit, patients will have another free personal consultation with their implantologist as part of the one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation. A panoramic X-ray and another thorough oral cavity examination will be conducted to ensure that their implants are in good condition.
The long-term temporary denture(s) are removed, and samples are taken for permanent porcelain denture(s). These permanent dentures are prepared and then fixed in place, similar to temporary dentures. The necessary control tests are performed to ensure that everything is in order.
It is important to note that the cost of permanent dentures is not included in the package price for one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation. Package prices for this procedure can be found on our website.
In conclusion, one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation under general anesthesia effectively restores dental health and improves the overall quality of life. With careful planning and expert care from our team of dental implantation professionals, patients can achieve a beautiful denture(s) that lasts a lifetime.
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