2022. március 11., péntek


Mit tehetünk az egyértelműen káros fogcsikorgatás megszüntetése érdekében

Sok ember életének kellemetlen velejárója a fogcsikorgatás. Lehet, hogy nem is tud róla, de ha tompa fájdalomra ébred, ami fokozott fogérzékenységgel párosul, akkor valószínűleg csikorgatja a fogait álmában. Van, aki biztos benne, mert vagy a társa panaszkodik emiatt, vagy ő maga ébred fel a saját fogcsikorgatására, valamint az emiatti fokozott fogérzékenységre. Miután így vagy úgy kiderül, hogy csikorgatja a fogait, nézzük meg van e valamilyen módszer, amivel meggátolható, de legalább is enyhíthető.

A fogcsikorgatás okai között első helyen kell említeni a szorongást, a stresszt, a rendszeres alkoholizálást, valamint az erős dohányzást. Ugyancsak lehet oka a fogcsikorgatásnak a depresszió és valamilyen alvási probléma. Szintén kiválthatja az alvás során fellépő kóros légszomj, aminek kísérőjelensége az erős horkolás. Az e téren folytatott kutatások alapján kijelenthető, hogy a leggyakoribb ok a stressz és az erős szorongás, aggodalom.

A fogcsikorgatás tünetei az alábbiak lehetnek:

  • ébrenléti fejfájás,
  • ernyedt arcizmok,
  • fájdalom, vagy kellemetlen érzés az álkapocs ízületben,
  • merev nyak és/vagy váll izomzat,
  • alvás zavar,
  • fájdalom a fülben

A fogcsikorgatás következménye lehet fogzománc kopás, a foglazulás, de akár törés vagy fogvesztés is. A jelenségben a felnőttek több mint 10%-a szenved és úgy tűnik, hogy a nők lényegesen gyakrabban csikorgatják a fogaikat, mint a férfiak. Kezelésre előtt fontos megállapítani mi okozhatja, mert az orvos csak az okok pontos ismeretében határozhatja meg az adott páciens számára legmegfelelőbb gyógymódot.

Ha a körülmények ismeretében az állapítható meg, hogy az ok nagy valószínűséggel a stressz, akkor meg kell keresni annak kiváltó okát és minden lehetséges módszerrel csökkenteni a stresszhatást. Az orvos előírhat izomlazító készítményt vagy súlyosabb esetekben akár Botox-ot is. Ha fent áll, csökkenteni kell az alkohol és koffein tartalmú italok fogyasztását, továbbá az amfetamin tartalmú gyógyszerek szedését.

A fogorvos megmutathatja, megtaníthatja azokat a módszereket, amelyekkel csökkenthető a fogcsikorgatás mértéke, ami idővel akár abba is maradhat. Szintén megoldást jelenthet az, hogy alvás közben egy speciális protézis kerül a szájba, ami megvédi a fogazatot a fogak csikorgatásának káros következményeitől. Ez az eszköz távol tartja egymástól az alsó és felső fogsort meggátolva ezzel a csikorgatást.

Ha a fogak nem illeszkednek pontosan, a fogorvos dönthet úgy, hogy koronát kell alkalmazni vagy más módszerrel kell megváltoztatni a fog vagy fogak őrlőfelületét. A fogcsikorgatás nemcsak a velünk együtt alvó számára kellemetlen, de saját magunk számára is a fentebb említett kockázatokkal jár. Éppen ezért, erősen ajánlott fogorvoshoz fordulni, mert ez a kellemetlen jelenség megszüntethető.


Felhívjuk szíves figyelmét, hogy Blog rovatunkban számos fogpótlás, fogbeültetés és implantátum beültetés témájú írás olvasható.
Ha véleménye van a leírtakkal kapcsolatban írja le a Hozzászólás részben. Ha kérdése van,
vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot.
iliDent Páciens Koordinátor Központ © Copyright 2022


2022. március 5., szombat



Why choose us if you want a dental implant implantation

The benefits of dental implant implantation, or implant-based dentures, are no longer disputed today. This type of denture provides almost the same biting and chewing power as the original teeth; it is a lifelong solution, extremely aesthetic, and quick to make. A complete oral rehabilitation, which means a complete lower and upper denture, is done in 4-5 days. The price includes the removal of unsuitable teeth, the required number of dental implants, the cost of implantation, and the long-term temporary dentures. The implant-based prosthesis also has a severe drawback, unfortunately quite expensive.

Before we get into why you should choose us if you want dental implant implantation, let's say a few words about dental implant and implantation concepts.

What is a tooth implant?
A dental implant is a high-purity, titanium alloy artificial root that replaces a natural tooth root. Two prominent implant families are widespread in Hungary. One is the traditional two-phase implant used for many decades, and the other is the immediate loading implant, also known as the one-phase implant, known for nearly twenty years. There are many different types within the two implant families, and there are significant differences between them. Still, they all serve a single purpose, which is nothing more than implant-based dentures. The two-phase implant consists of several pieces; the implantation consists of several phases, while the one-phase implant consists of a single piece. The dental implant implantation occurs in one step.

Although dental implant-based dentures are arguably the perfect solution for missing teeth, they also have drawbacks. One, as already mentioned, is that it is pretty expensive. Since it is a tooth root of high purity titanium alloy, it makes the treatment significantly costlier. The other is that implants are implanted into the jaw bone with an invasive surgical procedure, and like all surgeries, this involves some risk.

It is clear, then, that implant-based denture is a rather severe and expensive treatment in terms of both the cost and the complexity of the treatment. That's why it doesn't matter who we choose, who we honor with our trust. The most obvious when choosing a dentist is asking immediate family members, relatives, and employees. The other option used by many is the internet. It is worth researching a minimum of 8-10 dental websites and reading quite a few articles on the subject because the more we know, the more likely we are to choose the institution that works best for us.

This writing will discuss why you should choose us if you need dental implant implantation and implant-based denture. In the following, we briefly set out our arguments.

1. Professionalism
Let's start with the essential thing, professionalism. By this, we mean both theoretical knowledge and professional experience. Both of our implantologists have been dealing with dental implant-based dentures for more than twenty years. One of them is a specialist in one-phase dental implant implantation, and the other is an expert in two-phase implantation. Both are internationally recognized implantologists, verified by countless domestic and foreign patients.

2. Quality implant and devices for implantation
We use only high-quality, lifetime warranty dental implants implanted using state-of-the-art technology. The procedure is performed only with disinfected, hermetically sealed devices and used immediately before the operation. Not only are the devices and implants sterilized, but all the instruments and objects in the operating room are also available. It is also part of the procedure to do a thorough cleaning and complete disinfection after every patient!

3. Guaranteed painless treatment, even under anesthesia
Painless dentistry is not a trite slogan because even dental implants are easy with proper and effective local anesthesia. In this regard, there are two different analgesics possible. One is local anesthesia, and the other is general analgesia. External anesthesiologists perform anesthesia for a fee. In our experience, local anesthesia provides complete pain relief even during dental implantation! However, some people are afraid of dental intervention, so they do not feel minimal cooperation. The other reason should be that someone wants pain relief and complete discomfort relief. In this case, we recommended implantation under general anesthesia.

4. Excellent value for money

Although dental implant implantation is not a cheap pastime, the value for money is excellent. Let's take as a basis a complete oral rehabilitation made traditionally, an entire lower and upper removable adhesive denture, which costs 6-700,000.00 HUF. A denture fixed on implants indeed costs more than three times as much, but it works perfectly and lasts a lifetime! Such a denture is not nearly as perfect and stable as an implant-based denture and usually needs to replace every six years.

We recommend that the package price free of all hidden costs is economical and safe for the patient. You can read more about this in this article.

5. Friendly, patient-oriented environment

Highly qualified professional work is significant to us, but in the order of importance, the well-being of those patients who chose us. We know that most people are afraid, some terrified of dental treatment. That is why we consider it essential that our patients are greeted by a reassuring, pleasant environment when they enter the institution.

Our principle is that our staff - from the receptionists to the assistants to the oral surgeons - should behave politely and communicate with the patients who choose us for dental treatment. We believe that a pleasant environment and friendly, helpful staff have a calming effect on the patient excited about the treatment.

In such 0short writing, little can be said about dental implant implantation and why it is worth choosing us for those who need it. We consider it essential to emphasize that dental implant-based dentures are the most advanced and best solution for dentures. Furthermore, the package price we offer is much more affordable and transparent to the patient than individual pricing. Finally, it is also vital that those treated by us are satisfied with us in all respects.

In our Articles section, you can find more information about dentures, implants, and implantation methods. If you have an opinion about this article, let us know about it in the Comment section below. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.
iliDent Patient Coordination Center © Copyright 2022 iliDent.com


Miért érdemes bennünket választania, ha fogimplantátum beültetés fogpótlást szeretne

 A fogimplantátum beültetés, azaz az implantátum alapú fogpótlás előnyeit ma már senki nem vitatja. Ez a fajta fogpótlás az eredeti fogakkal csaknem azonos harapási és rágási erőt biztosít, egy életre szóló megoldás, rendkívül esztétikus és gyorsan elkészül. Egy komplett száj rehabilitáció, ami teljes alsó és felső fogsort jelent, 4-5 nap alatt elkészülhet. Az árba beletartozik az ellátásra alkalmatlan fogak eltávolítása, a szükséges számú fog implantátum, az implantátumok beültetésének ára, továbbá a tartós ideiglenes fogsor is. A fogbeültetés alapú pótlásnak van egy komoly hátránya is, sajnos meglehetősen költséges.

Mielőtt rátérnénk, hogy miért érdemes bennünket választania, ha fogimplantátum beültetés kezelést szeretne, ejtsünk néhány szót fog implantátum és fogbeültetés fogalmakról.

Mi a fog implantátum?
A fogászati implantátum egy nagy tisztaságú, titánium ötvözetből készült mű foggyökér, ami tökéletesen alkalmas a természetes gyökér helyettesítésére. Két fő implantátum család elterjedt Magyarországon. Az egyik a sok évtized óta használt hagyományos kétfázisú implantátum, a másik a csaknem húsz éve ismert azonnal terhelhető implantátum, más néven egyfázisú implantátum. A két implantátum családon belül sokféle típus létezik és jelentős különbség van közöttük, de valamennyi egyetlen célt szolgál, ami nem más, mint az implantátum alapú fogpótlás. A kétfázisú implantátum több darabból, a beültetés több fázisból áll, míg az egyfázisú implantátum egyetlen darabból, a beültetés egyetlen fázisból áll.

Ugyan a fogimplantátum alapú fogpótlás vitathatatlanul a legtökéletesebb megoldás hiányzó fogak pótlására, de vannak hátrányai is. Az egyik, mint már említettük az, hogy meglehetősen költséges. Miután nagy tisztaságú titánium ötvözet mű foggyökérről van szó, ez jelentősen drágítja a kezelést. A másik, hogy az implantátumok fogcsontba történő beültetése egy invazív műtéti beavatkozással történik, s mint minden műtét ez is jár némi kockázattal.

Egyértelmű tehát, hogy az implantátum alapú fogpótlás úgy anyagilag, mint a kezelés összetettségét illetően egy meglehetősen komoly és költséges kezelés. Éppen ezért, nagyon nem mindegy, hogy kit választunk, kit tisztelünk meg a bizalmunkkal. A fogászat kiválasztásánál a legkézenfekvőbb a közvetlen családtagok, rokonok, munkatársak véleményének kikérése. A másik sokak által használt lehetőség az internet. Minimum 8-10 fogászati honlapot érdemes áttanulmányozni és jó néhány, a témába vágó cikket elolvasni, mert minél többet tudunk, annál valószínűbb, hogy a számunkra legkedvezőbb intézményt választjuk.

Ebben az írásban a továbbiakban arról lesz szó, hogy miért érdemes bennünket választania, ha fogimplantátum beültetés alapú fogpótlás kezelésre van szüksége. A következőkben röviden elmondjuk az érveinket.

1. Szakmai felkészültség
Kezdjük a legfontosabbal, a szakmai felkészültséggel. Ez alatt az elméleti tudást és a szakmai tapasztalatot együttesen értjük. Mindkét implantológus szájsebészünk több, mint húsz éve foglalkozik fogászati implantátum alapú fogpótlással. Egyikük kimondottan az egyfázisú implantátum beültetés specialistája, a másik pedig a kétfázisú implantátum beültetés szakértője. Mindketten nemzetközileg is elismert implantológusok, amit számtalan hazai és külföldi páciens igazolhat.

2. Minőségi implantátum és a beültetéshez szükséges technikai eszközök
Kizárólag kiváló minőségű, örök garanciás fog implantátumokat alkalmazunk, amiknek beültetése a legkorszerűbb technikai eszközök használatával történik. Beavatkozás kizárólag fertőtlenített, hermetikusan lezárt és közvetlenül a műtétet megelőzőn használatba vett eszközökkel történik. Nem csak az eszközök és az implantátumok sterilizáltak, de a műtő-rendelőben található minden eszköz és tárgy is. A rendelés része az is, hogy minden páciens után alapos tisztítás és teljes fertőtlenítés történik!


3. Garantált fájdalommentes kezelés, akár altatásban isA fájdalommentes fogászat nem egy elcsépelt szlogen mert a helyes és hatékony helyi érzéstelenítéssel igenis fájdalommentes még a fogbeültetés is. Ebben a tekintetben étféle fájdalomcsillapítás lehetséges. Az egyik a helyi érzéstelenítés, a másik az altatásos fájdalomcsillapítás. Tapasztalataink szerint a helyi érzéstelenítés teljes fájdalommentességet biztosít fogbeültetés esetén is! Aki azonban olyan szinten retteg a fogászati beavatkozástól, hogy minimális együttműködésre sem képes, vagy nem csak fájdalommentességet, de teljes kellemetlenség mentességet szeretne, annak az altatásos implantátum beültetés ajánlott. Az altatást külsős aneszteziológus szakemberek végzik, külön díj fejében.

4. Kiváló ár-érték arány
Annak ellenére, hogy a fogimplantátum beültetés alapú fogpótlás nem olcsó mulatság, az ár-érték aránya kiváló. Vegyünk alapul egy hagyományos módon készülő teljes száj rehabilitációt, teljes alsó és felső kivehető-ragasztható fogsort, ami 6-700 forintba kerül. Egy ilyen fogsor megközelítőleg sem olyan tökéletes és stabil, mint egy implantátum alapú fogsor és általában hatévenként cserére szorul. Igaz, hogy az implantátumon rögzített fogsor több mint háromszor annyiba kerül, de az tökéletesen funkcionál és egy életre szól!

Különösen gazdaságos és a páciens szempontjából biztonságos az általunk ajánlott, mindenféle rejtett költségtől mentes csomagár. Erről bővebben ebben az írásunkban lehet olvasni.

5. Kifejezetten barátságos, páciens orientált környezet
Számunkra rendkívül fontos a kiváló minőségű szakmai munka, de a fontossági sorrendben rögtön ezután a pácienseink közérzete következik. Tisztában vagyunk azzal, hogy az emberek túlnyomó többsége tart, némelyek egyenesen rettegnek a fogászati kezeléstől. Éppen ezért fontosnak tartjuk, hogy pácienseinket megnyugtató, kellemes környezet fogadja, amikor belépnek az intézménybe.

Alapelvünk, hogy munkatársaink - a recepciósoktól az asszisztenseken át a szájsebészekig - udvarias tisztelettel viselkedjenek, kommunikáljanak a bennünket választó, fogászati kezelésre jelentkező páciensekkel. Hisszük, hogy a kellemes környezet és a barátságos segítőkész munkatársak nyugtató hatással vannak a kezelés miatt izguló páciensre.

Egy ilyen rövid írásban csak kevés mondható el a fogimplantátum beültetés kezelésről, illetve arról, hogy miért érdemes bennünket választania azoknak, akiknek erre van szükségük. Fontosnak tartjuk kiemelni, hogy a fogászati implantátum alapú fogpótlás a legfejlettebb és egyben legjobb megoldás fogpótlásra. Továbbá azt is, hogy az általunk ajánlott csomagár sokkal kedvezőbb és áttekinthetőbb a páciens számára, mint az egyedi árazás. Végül az is fontos számunkra, hogy a nálunk kezeltek minden tekintetben elégedettek legyenek velünk.

Felhívjuk szíves figyelmét, hogy Blog rovatunkban számos fogpótlás, fogbeültetés és implantátum beültetés témájú írás olvasható.
Ha véleménye van a leírtakkal kapcsolatban írja le a Hozzászólás részben. Ha kérdése van,
vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot.
iliDent Páciens Koordinátor Központ © Copyright 2022

2022. február 18., péntek


The two most common causes of teeth neglect and the possible consequence

Many people wouldn't think of the enormous importance of the condition of our teeth for their general health. Teeth neglect can cause many other diseases. For example, it is known that bad teeth can cause problems in another body that seems to have nothing to do with our teeth. Neglected oral hygiene can eventually lead to severe tooth loss, which in many ways is hazardous to health. The causes of teeth neglect may be different, of which we are going to mention the two most common.

Fear of dental treatment
We should mention the fear of dental treatment first among the causes of teeth neglect. It is a fact that many of us do not visit the dentist as frequently as we would need. Most do not go for regular dental check-ups. Others don't see their dentist more than once a year, instead of the recommended every six months. Many people visit their dentist only when they have a toothache.

The perceived and "exaggerated" feeling of pain is one of the leading causes of teeth neglect. Some people think they shouldn't be worried about a bit of discomfort, but what might keep them away from their supposed pain is fear of the dentist. Enough just one bad experience in the past or a horror story from others is enough to scare people away from dental treatments for years.

How do we overcome our fear of dental treatments? First of all, note that fear is the natural defense response of a person to any known or imagined discomfort, which can cause pain. Consequently, fear is not a shameful feeling! But we must be aware that failure to overcome our fears can lead to anxiety and procrastination. One of the most significant help in overcoming fear is our own positive experience. For example, we need to choose a dentist who can treat us painlessly. Most of them do!

Dental treatment is not the most pleasant "activity," but certainly not something we should be afraid of about it. That is true even if getting a complete denture is the cause of teeth neglect. Dental treatment should be painless! In the vast majority of cases, it is. Generally speaking, the most painful part of dental treatment is an anesthetic injection! That can cause very short-term pain, especially if the mucous membrane of the mouth is inflamed.

We can determine that the fear of the dentist or dental treatment among the causes of teeth neglect is not a natural cause.

I would like to, but it costs too much
It is the second most common complaint among the causes of teeth neglect. First of all, we need to understand that price is a relative concept, which is expensive for me may not be for someone else. Whether or not the cost of something is high is most often judged by our current financial situation. Consequently, it is more appropriate to say, "this is too expensive for me," because in this case, I make it clear that this is something I cannot afford.

Dental implants are a special titanium alloy whose price is comparable to that of gold when you consider the extra cost of processing. This fact itself significantly increases the cost of dentures fixed on one-phase implants. In addition, in the case of immediate loading implants, the prices of other dental materials are substantially higher than those of conventional removable dentures. For example, immediate loading implant-based denture contains costly materials and the latest dental prosthesis technology.

In this case, the complete dentures fixed on one-phase implants, a significant part of the price is the cost of the materials used. The denture has other expenses incurred during treatment, such as dental work, special tools, and so on. The fact that we use only high-quality, original Swiss implants also adds to the price in our case.

It is a fact that the price of a dental implant-based denture is relatively high, but the value for money is excellent! It is accepted in all walks of life that some products and services are priced higher than other products and services prices in the same category. For example, the Suzuki and the Lexus are Japanese cars used for passenger transport, but the latter is much more expensive.

From what we have said so far, it is evident that, for reasons of teeth neglect, the price of a complete denture fixed on one-phase implants is not a genuine reason for those who would otherwise be able to pay, who have the money for it. It is also clear that many people cannot spend 15,800.00 EUR on complete oral rehabilitation.

Whether it's your teeth or dentures, a perfectly functioning denture is essential for quality life! That means we should pay more attention to it and make more sacrifices to have an impeccable "chewing organ." On the financial side, there is also a solution. Just as you can borrow money for a trip, buy high-value electronic equipment, or renew your home. Borrowing money to have perfect dentures can be just as justified. By all means, avoid teeth neglect!


In our Articles section, you can find more information about dentures, implants, and implantation methods. If you have an opinion about this article, let us know about it in the Comment section below. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.
iliDent Patient Coordination Center © Copyright 2021 iliDent.com


2022. február 16., szerda


You may have an immediate loading implant-based prosthesis in just 5 days

 Modern dentistry aims to restore patient oral health predictably and greatly helps recover function, aesthetics, comfort, and fluency. A complete immediate loading implant-based prosthesis is considered the most promising dental treatment with life-changing benefits among all the procedures.

A prosthesis is surgically positioned on one-phase implants into the jawbone beneath your gums in a dental implant procedure. Once in place, they provide stable support and act as your natural tooth root. Currently, immediate loading implants are globally regarded as a preeminent solution replacing missing teeth because they are the closest you can get to healthy, natural teeth. The treatment allowed some people to live life the way they want to, i.e., confidently, laughing, eating, and smiling, and without worrying about their toothless faces.

How Does an immediate loading implant work? Think of this kind of dental implant as artificial tooth roots fused into your jawbone and provide stable support to your artificial teeth. To get implant treatment, you need to have healthy gums, and you must commit to keeping your mouth hygiene healthy with a regular dental visit. The beauty of an immediate loading implant (implant-based prosthesis) is that it is usable in cases where the bone density and quality are not adequate; therefore, the traditional two-phase implant is not applicable. Some of the top benefits of this kind of dental implant are:

#1 Immediate Loading Implant acts like a natural tooth root –  The other name of this implant is a one-phase implant because the implantation takes place in a single phase. The implant comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, and so they are personable as per the individual need. Our dental surgeon will work with you to choose the one best suits you.

#2 Implant-based prostheses prevent bone loss – One of the side effects of losing a tooth is that you begin to lose bone mass in your jaw. Dental implants are currently the only restoration treatment that stimulates new bone growth and helps prevent bone loss.

#3 Dental implant support facial structure – Followed by point number 2, your teeth also support your facial structure. When you lose your teeth, you tend to lose that support. Hence, dentures on implants positively affect your facial structure, making your face appear younger.

#4 You won’t limit what you eat – Dental implants give you back your verbal and eating fluency. Everyone loves crunchy food, you don’t restrict yourself and would be able to eat & drink normally. That’s why immediate loading implants are designated as a permanent solution to replace missing teeth.

Immediate loading implant-based denture has a high success ratio and predictable outcome. If you want to learn more about one-phase implants and dentures made with such implants, you will find a lot of helpful information on our website. We can safely say that if you are looking for a lifelong solution, the dental implant-based denture is what you need.

Our Articles section contains several writings on dentures, implants, and implantation methods. If you have an opinion about this article, let us know about it in the Comment section below. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.
iliDent Patient Coordination Center © Copyright 2020 iliDent.com

2022. február 14., hétfő


 Dental implant-based prosthesis for the upper and lower jaw in 5 days

What is a dental implant-based prosthesis? It's a denture fixed on one-phase implants surgically placed into the jawbone beneath the gums. Once in place, immediate loading implants provide stable support and act as your natural tooth root. Presently, a dental implant-based prosthesis is globally regarded as premium dentistry since they are the closest you can get to healthy, natural teeth. The treatment allowed some people to live life the way they want to, i.e., confidently, laughing, eating, and smiling, and without worrying about what their teeth look like.

Modern dentistry aims to restore patient oral health predictably and dramatically helps recover function, aesthetics, comfort, and fluency. The complete prosthesis on one-phase implants is considered the most promising dental treatment with life-changing benefits among all the procedures.

How does an immediate loading implant work? Think of this kind of immediate loading implants as artificial tooth roots implanted into your jawbone and provide stability, and it will provide reliable support to your prosthesis. To get implant treatment, you have to have healthy gums, and you must commit to keeping your mouth hygiene healthy and a regular dental visit. The beauty of one-phase dental implant-based prostheses is usable in cases where the bone density and quality are not adequate;e; therefore, the conventional two-phase implant is not useable.

Some of the top benefits of this kind of dental implant are:

1.) One-phase implant acts like your natural tooth root
These implants come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes to personalize them as per the individual need. The dental implantologist oral surgeon will work with you to choose the best suits you.

2.) Dental implant-based prostheses support facial structure
Followed by point number one, your prosthesis also supports your facial system. When you lose your teeth, you tend to lose that support. Hence, prosthesis fixed on implants positively affects your facial structure, making your face appear younger.

3) Implant-based denture helps prevent bone loss
One of the side effects of losing a tooth is that you begin to lose bone mass due to the lack of pressure on the jawbone. Dental implants are currently the only teeth restoration solution that stimulates new bone growth and helps prevent further bone loss.

4.) You can eat whatever you want
Dental implant-based prostheses give you back your eating and verbal fluency. Who doesn't love crunchy food? You won't have any restrictions anymore and would be able to eat and drink as you used to. That's why one-phase immediate loading implants are a permanent solution to tooth loss.

As we can see, dental implant-based prostheses are the best possible solution to replace missing teeth. They are far from providing the same quality of life as implant-based prostheses. In the title of this writing, indeed, this kind of denture will completely change your life. It dramatically improves the quality of life makes everyday life more comfortable and enjoyable. The only downside is that it costs a bit more than traditional removable dentures. However, this only needs to be paid for traditionally; prostheses have to replace over time.

Many other articles on the subject can be read in our Articles section, which we recommend.
If you have an opinion about what we just said, let others know it in the Comment section. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.
iliDent Patient Coordinator Center © Copyright 2020


Payless for oral rehabilitation with a dental implant package price

 There are two common ways to replace missing teeth: the well-known conventional crown, bridge, or prosthetist, and the other is the bridge or implant-based denture. The essence of the traditional method is that the existing healthy teeth fix the denture, for example, in the case of a bridge. The denture is glued to the gums with a prosthesis adhesive if complete tooth loss occurs. Another increasingly common solution is to fix teeth or dentures on dental implants. Even though the price of dental implants is relatively high, this type of method is increasingly the accepted standard for replacing missing teeth. There is an option to reduce your expenses: the dental implant package price.

Dental implant types
Although there are quite a few types of implants, in one thing, all dental implants are the same: they all replace the original tooth root with excellent results. Although all implants serve a similar purpose, different implant families and implant types are different. The two best-known implant families are the conventional two-phase implant, and the other one is immediate loading one-phase implant. Different implants also vary in size, shape, properties, and price.

Well-known implant types
The IHDE immediate loading Implant is a family of implants of different sizes and designs. The best available are Cortex, Alpha Bio, Nobel BioCare. There are pretty significant differences between the two implant families; you can learn more about them here. The reasons for the different prices of dental implants are not just their differences. The manufacturer's reputation and recognition, as well as other circumstances, such as a broader, more extended warranty, may also affect. The other price-modifying case is whether they use dental implant package price or individual pricing method.

One-phase and two-phase dental implants individual prices

One-phase Implant130,000 HUF
Implant130,000 HUF
Healing Screw0 HUF
Titánium Abutment30,000 HUF
Zirconium Crown60,000 HUF
Implant130,000 HUF
Healing Screw0 HUF
Titánium Abutment30,000 HUF
Zirconium Crown60,000 HUF
Implant150,000 HUF
Healing Screw0 HUF
Titánium Abutment50,000 HUF

Factors influencing dental implant price

The total cost of an implant is not equal to the price of the implant itself, and so sometimes it is not easy to determine for the person interested! I did the following test: I selected an implant type and asked three dentists the same question regarding the price of dental implants. As I expected, they said different prices everywhere, which didn't surprise me. It is because several factors influence the dental implant price.

Does the price of the implant include the cost of the implantation? One price-increasing factor is whether or not the price consists of the merits of other elements needed to do the implantation. One example is the healing screw or the so-called abutment in the case of a two-phase implant. Two procedures must include a two-phase implant, one at implantation and the other at finalization.

The price of dental implantation is also influenced by the reputation and recognition of the given dental office. A metropolitan institution employing excellent oral surgeons and implantologists, providing other high-quality services and a good guarantee, is likely to provide the same implant at a higher cost than a rural dentist, which also offers excellent services in all respects.

The quality of the warranty can also affect by the price. A significant proportion of patients prefer a slightly higher price, a more extended guarantee for more excellent safety, or other extra services such as dental treatment under general anesthesia. A longer-term, broader warranty can increase the cost of the same implant.

Let's mention one more important circumstance that increases the price of dental implantation, namely whether it is a dental implant package price or individual pricing. Although there are few, dentists do not specify the price of the implants but price the implantation itself, creating a so-called package price. For example, if a complete oral rehabilitation costs 1,375,000 HUF for the upper jaw, it means that the price includes everything!

Example of a package price
Example of a dental implant package price in case complete oral restoration for the upper or the lower jaw. Includes the removal of existing but untreatable teeth, the needed number of implants (16-18), implantation, and long-term, temporary denture fixed on the implants. Dentures are not removable by the patient. Price: 6,589.00 EUR. (The price of the permanent denture is NOT included!)

As we have seen, the price of dental implantation may depend on many factors. This writing briefly summarizes what implants are available and what conditions affect implant prices. We talked about the so-called dental implant package price and its content. Before deciding which dentistry to make your teeth with, be sure to find out about the specific costs. At the same time, one should not focus solely on price. Other circumstances you should consider, such as patients' opinions about the particular dental office and the quality of their dental work.

In our Articles section, you can find more information about dentures, implants, and implantation methods. If you have an opinion about this article, let us know about it in the Comment section below. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.
iliDent Patient Coordination Center © Copyright 2021 iliDent.com

2022. február 13., vasárnap


 Implant price comparison helps you make the right decision

We will discuss implant price comparison - complete dentures fixed on one-phase implants. Have you ever thought of traveling to have done your implant-based denture? Have you tried to compare the prices of implants with foreign countries? If you have done, you know for sure that you can save high costs, as the cost of dental care in Budapest, Hungary is much lower than in the U.S. and most Western European countries. We mean serious dental work, such as complete mouth restoration with immediate loading implants.

There is a reason why many patients travel to Budapest for dental treatments. For example, compared to the United States, where the price of a dental implant-based denture is exceptionally high, the same treatment is significantly cost-effective in Budapest, Hungary. The patient can expect a 50-70% lower price for the cost of treatment while at the same time receiving high-quality dental treatments. An implant price comparison can convince everyone that this is indeed the case. (See spreadsheet below)

Of course, you need to consider many aspects before traveling, like finding a reliable dental clinic and an experienced implantologist. Needs to find out the total cost of the trip, compare the total cost of a dental prosthesis, and so on. To properly compare the implantation price, you need to know the cost of immediate loading implants and consider any possible aftercare, such as the cost of the permanent denture. But it's not just the price that matters! If you choose us, an internationally recognized implantologist will take care of you, with a high level of knowledge and many years of experience. We receive patients from the United States and European countries such as Germany, Italy, Austria, and other western countries.

Is it worth visiting Budapest despite the travel and accommodation costs? In this writing, you will find carefully collected information about the Hungarian aspects of an immediate loading implant-based long-term temporary denture, so you can make an implant price comparison and get the answer to your question. So, without further ado, let's find out.

Hungary is an internationally recognized, quality dental implantation center in the E.U.
Year by year, countless people travel to Hungary to receive high-quality, and professional dental care complete dentures fixed on one-phase implants. In the meantime, they save money and enjoy the safe and beautiful spas and other attractions in Budapest. Most Hungarian dental clinics have modern dental equipment and work with experienced dentists and implantologist. There are several internationally recognized dental clinics in Budapest.

Acceptable accommodation rates and airfare
A complete oral rehabilitation (upper and lower jaw) is ready within 4 or 5 days! It is easy to find accommodation in Budapest and acceptable quality adapted to your budget. Three- or four-star hotels or apartments in Budapest average $ 50.00 per night, not to mention the thousands of AIRBNB accommodations. A New York-Budapest round trip costs about  550.00 USD.

FREE consultation
Most Hungarian dental practices do not offer free consultation and dental examinations, but we do it for free! The free consultation is a positive factor in the overall price comparison of implants. In the United States, the average cost of consultations and tests is between $ 150.00 and $ 250.00. And this means cost savings and primarily covers the cost of more spartan accommodation.

High-quality dental services
Don't believe that lower prices mean lower levels of dental care! However, this is not the case. Patients receive the same quality treatment as in the U.K., US, France, or Germany, but at a much lower price! We treat our patients with the latest dental equipment, original Swiss implants, and the highest professional standards! Also, since Hungary is a member of the European Union, the parameters and guidelines of dental treatments, so their quality, also comply with E.U. regulations and standards.

Excellent value for money ratio (2020 conversion rates)
Although dental tourism also includes the extra cost of accommodation and airfare, the value for money is impressive as you can expect excellent dental care with savings of many thousands of dollars. (At the time of writing, 1 USD 317 HUF and 1 EUR 348 HUF)

Implant price comparison in U.S. Dollars

Complete denture fixed on Implants

iliDentThe U.S.
Consultation FeeFREE


Denture per jaw



Accommodation for four nights$300.00


Other expense$500.00


Total Amount$7,490.00


As we mentioned earlier, please do not rely solely on the example we've created for comparison with complete dentures fixed on one-phase implants. You know prices and other costs in your field more accurately than we do, so do your research to compare the most accurate implant pricing. Your calculations will undoubtedly be more precise, but we're sure there won't be much difference in proportions. Finally, we can say that it is worth traveling to Hungary and having your complete denture fixed on one-phase implants done here in Budapest.

Our Articles section contains several writings on dentures, implants, and implantation methods. If you have an opinion about this article, let us know about it in the Comment section below. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.
iliDent Patient Coordination Center © Copyright 2020 iliDent.com

2022. február 10., csütörtök


 What are the significant differences between a one-phase implant and a two-phase implant?

Are you looking to replace your missing teeth permanently? If so, dental implants are the widely acknowledged solution for you. You have two standard implant options. First, one-phase implant implantation occurs in one phase; on the other hand, the two-phase implant implantation takes two phases. Which implantation method is preferable depends on several factors, most notably the condition of the jaw bone. Let's see, what are the five most important differences between a single-phase, immediate loading implant and the conventional two-phase implants.

1. Implantation procedure
Nobody loves dental treatments, so it must be gentle, pain-free, and as short as possible. That is one of the most critical expectations of patients, and one-phase implantation is ideally in line with these expectations.

The surgery itself, the implantation of implants, is a relatively gentle and straightforward operation. It is not necessary to incision the gums and sutures them after implantation. In terms of surgery, a one-phase implant means that there is only one operation (surgery)! The conventional two-phase implant implantation process involves two surgeries, which means more suffering and a longer time for the implant to heal.

2. Implantation process duration
With a one-phase implant, also known as immediate loading implants, the surgery occurs in one single procedure, shortening the treatment time. The other important time factor is that one-phase implants are loadable immediately! That means there is no need for healing ossification time, as with two-phase implants, which usually take about 4 to 6 months.

Using a one-phase implant, complete oral rehabilitation that includes complete upper and lower jaw implantation plus long-term temporary dentures takes only 4 to 5 days, which is extremely short. And this short period consists of the preparation for implantation, such as removing teeth unsuitable for prosthetic care.

A complete oral rehabilitation procedure shortly as follows

  • First time - preparation, teeth extraction, and implantation
  • Second time - frame fitting
  • Third time - denture fitting
  • Fourth time - installation
  • Fifth time - check-up, final adjustments

Imagine visiting a dentist and leaving on the 5th day with a beautiful, perfectly functioning implant-based denture. The immediate loading implants are capable of, and it comes with a double guarantee. Guarantee for implanted implants and the dental work performed!

3. Type of  implants we use
We only use guaranteed original Swiss implants purchased directly from the Swiss manufacturer's distributor. In addition to a high level of technical knowledge, this is one of the essential prerequisites for performing the highest quality work.

Among the first, it is important to mention the feature of one-phase implants that consist of only one piece. So, an implant is a piece of artificial dental root. That is a significant benefit of an immediate loading implant in many ways.

Since a one-phase implant is a single piece, it is a lot easier to use and handle than a multi-piece two-phase implant. Ease of use shortens and simplifies implantation and denture completion times too.

If, for some reason, an implant needs to replace,  the removing process is much easier with a one-piece implant than a multiple-piece two-phase implant.

4. Price
It is not the most important benefit of a one-phase implant, but it is worth mentioning that an immediate loading implant is somewhat less expensive than a two-phase implant. In addition, it is more reliable and less likely to fail.

In a two-phase implant, different implant parts are priced separately, which results in a higher-end result. You have to pay separately for the components that make up the implant and the work.

5. Usability
Last but not least, we mention the one-phase implant' perhaps most significant benefit that can affect and give help to many people, especially in the older age group. That is since an immediate loading implant is usable in significant bone deficiency.

The unfortunate coincidence is that we need implants when, due to our age, the quality of bone necessary for a safe fixation is no longer the same as it was at a younger age. However, you do not need to be frustrated because dental implants are here to help.

The one-phase implant is designed to implant in almost any location on the jawbone, even when the bone's density and volume are not sufficient. X-rays clearly show that implants are in different directions and have significantly longer fastening screws to penetrate deeper and become more stable.

This article outlined the 5 most important differences between the one-phase implant and two-phase implant. Of course, there are other differences, but these are the ones that can help those who want to decide between the two dental implants and implantation methods.

In our Articles section, you can find more information about dentures, implants, and implantation methods. If you have an opinion about this article, let us know about it in the Comment section below. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.
iliDent Patient Coordination Center © Copyright 2020 iliDent.com


2022. február 7., hétfő


 Everything you need to know about the immediate loading implant system

Most of us remember the not-so-distant past when the only way to tooth replacement or the make of complete dentures, or more precisely, to fix them to the jaw bone, was a prosthesis with an artificial plate. There was an improved version of that when reduced the size of the extremely disturbing artificial palate, the downside of which was the denture that you had glue in to fix. These dentures have never been perfectly stable, causing a lot of annoyance. Not to mention that these prosthetics' bite-chewing capabilities are not even close to a modern denture. The strength of these dentures is the immediate loading implant system. What exactly is this? Well, that's what this writing will be about

What is a dental implant?
Before introducing the immediate loading implant system, let's talk about dental implants in general, including those they use in dentistry. A dental implant is a high-purity titanium alloy, sometimes multi-piece, artificial tooth root that can perfectly replace the original tooth root when implanted in the jawbone. The high-purity titanium alloy means it can also be a solution for those with a metal allergy. As we will see later, there are several types of dental implants; we mention two of them in this writing, one of them in detail.

Dental problems that can solve with implants
- In the absence of one or two teeth, it is possible to have replaced it without sacrificing two healthy teeth next to the missing tooth to fix the replaced one. In place of the missing tooth, the implant implanted in the tooth bone is ideally suited to hold the crown the put on it securely.

- If you have a bridge and the teeth fixing the bridge are no longer able to perform their fixing function with implants, this problem also can be solved to your satisfaction. The same goes for uncomfortable, poorly functioning dental bridges.

- If you feel that your quality of life has deteriorated significantly due to a malfunctioning traditional glued denture, the dental implant may be the best solution. Indeed, dentures made in this way cost substantially more, but it is also true that for this higher price, you get a denture very similar to your original teeth in all aspects.

Why choose a dental implant?
- Provides perfect bite and chewing capability.
- Properly chewed food digests faster and easier, which is healthier for your body.
- It means a high degree of comfort and safety for you.
- Beautiful dentures change the characteristics of the face and provide a more confident look.

What are the two most common types of implant families?
In this article, although we are talking mainly about the immediate loading implant system, we have to mention that there is a much longer used implant type and method, the traditional two-phase implant. As its name says, this type of implant implantation happens in two phases. You can read more about this and the differences between the two types of implants here.

The most characteristic features of the immediate loading implant system
Also, by its name, this type of dental implant is implanted in a single 3-5-day phase. That means that the required number of implants implantation happens immediately after removing teeth unsuitable for prosthetic care. It also means that the patient can leave on the 4th or 5th day with a long-term temporary denture.

Another essential feature of this type of implant is that it can also be a solution for those who suffer from significant bone deficiency!

The most important benefits of the immediate loading implant system
- You don't need to use an uncomfortable, glued temporary prosthetist, even for a short time. After implantation, the long-term temporary dentures fixed on the implants by the implantologist function perfectly. The final denture (the price of implants and implantation does not include the cost of the final denture) is due in 6-8 months.
- Gentle, minimally invasive surgical intervention, so there are no cuts up, deep sores, and sewing. The implant is inserted (screwed) into the jawbone without cutting the gum.
- There is no need for 3-6 months of ossification and healing; one-phase implants are loadable immediately!
- The procedure takes a short time, only 4-5 days, even in the case of complete oral rehabilitation.
- It is a solution in the case of significant bone deficiency. So, there is no need for surgical bone replacements sinus lifts, which significantly reduce the cost and time of intervention.
- The implant is compact, made in one single piece, so it is easier to implant and costs less.

And so, on and so forth.

As we learned from this writing, an immediate loading implant system is the most recommended for replacing a single tooth or a complete mouth restoration. Fast, painless, no bleeding, no cuts, and you get back your original smile in just 4-5 days! And remember, this method is usable in case of significant bone deficiency!

In our Articles section, you can find more information about dentures, implants, and implantation methods. If you have an opinion about this article, let us know about it in the Comment section below. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.
iliDent Patient Coordination Center © Copyright 2020 iliDent.com


2022. február 6., vasárnap


 Did you know that dental implants have a huge advantage over the traditional method?

Teeth play a much more critical role in the healthy functioning of the human body than many would think. When it comes to the health of our teeth, it must always mean increased attention and care. Neglected teeth mean insufficient chewing ability, which can negatively affect digestion. Furthermore, inflamed gums and teeth can harm other organs of the human body. Teeth that are unsuitable for prosthetic care have to remove. The best solution known today for their replacement is dental implants, especially immediate loading implants. So, let's talk about them.

What is a dental implant?
An implant is a high-purity titanium alloy artificial tooth root that can perfectly replace a natural tooth root. We mention only one of its enormous advantages: the metal tooth root will not inflame, won't cause pain, and lasts forever. And that's just one of many benefits. Today, two different implants and implantation methods are prevalent. One is the conventional two-phase implants, and the other is the one-phase implants, in other words, immediate loading implants. This writing will be mainly about the latter, but anyone interested can read more about two-phase implants here.

What do the words one-phase implants mean?
As its name implies, they implant them in a single phase. Unlike two-phase implants, which take two different steps, 3-6 months can elapse between each time. In the case of immediate loading implants, these dental implants can be implanted right after removing the teeth that are not suitable for dental care! So, the implantation occurs in a single phase, even for a complete denture. The unique feature of a one-phase implant is that it is loadable right after insertion allowing the implantation to occur in a single phase, in one treatment.

What are the key benefits of a one-phase implant?
Perhaps the most crucial advantage is that the process takes a short time since it is loadable immediately! For example, complete oral rehabilitation means entire lower and upper implantation plus long-term temporary dentures complete in 3-5 days. Not to mention with a double guarantee!

2.) Another essential advantage is that these dental implants and implantation methods may be the solution for those who do not have adequate quality and quantity of dental bone. That is excellent news for the older age group.

3.) The implantation of a one-phase implant is an effortless invasive surgical procedure. One-phase implantation occurs through the gum through a tiny hole drilled in the tooth bone. So, there is no need to incise the gingival and then suture it back as it happens with the two-phase implantation process. That means much more minor inconvenience to patients.

In addition, there are numerous other benefits to one-phase dental implants, which you can read about in more detail here.

What is the implantation PROCESS for a one-phase implant?
Removal of teeth unsuitable for prosthetic care, implantation of the needed number of Immediate Loading Implants, taking Impressions for dentures.
Fitting the metal frames carrying the teeth on the denture(s). Possible Fitting and adjustment of the long-term, temporary denture(s)
Fitting and adjusting the long-term, temporary denture(s).
Backup day in case there is a delay due to some unexpected events.
Backup day in case there is a delay due to some unexpected events.

How and who should I choose if I want a one-phase dental implants-based denture?
Your dentist may be excellent and knowledgeable, but that doesn't necessarily mean an experienced implantologist. That is because it requires special knowledge and skills. Even if you think you have the best implantologist to do the work, you still need to research before making a final decision. Therefore, for one-phase implantation, always consult the appropriate oral surgeon who has the knowledge and practices to perform such implantation perfectly.

Hopefully, we have answered the topic mentioned in the article's title. In our writing, we talked about dental implants, the two most common implants and implantation methods. We have dealt in detail with immediately loadable one-phase implants, mentioning their key features and advantages over two-phase implants. If you are interested in this topic, you can find more articles related to the issue on these pages.

In our Articles section, you can find more information about dentures, implants, and implantation methods. If you have an opinion about this article, let us know about it in the Comment section below. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.
iliDent Patient Coordination Center © Copyright 2022 iliDent.com

2022. február 3., csütörtök


 Implants price comparison of complete dentures with foreign countries

Let's talk about implants price comparison dentures with one-phase implants. Have you ever considered traveling to Budapest to have done your complete denture fixed on implants? Have you ever compared implant-based denture prices? If so, you certainly know that you can save high costs, as the cost of dental care in Hungary is much lower than in most Western European countries or in the US. We discuss serious dental work, such as complete upper and lower dentures fixed on immediate loading implants.

There is an apparent reason why many patients travel to Hungary for dental treatment. For example, compared to the United States, where the cost of a complete denture fixed on immediate loading implants is exceptionally high, the same treatment in Hungary is significantly more cost-effective. The patient can expect a 50-70% lower price for the cost of treatment and at the same time gets high-quality dental service. A fixed complete denture price comparison can convince everyone that this is the case. (See spreadsheet below)

Many aspects need to consider before traveling, such as finding a reliable dental clinic and implantologist, calculating the total cost of the trip, comparing full denture prices, and so on. To make your implants price comparison correctly, you need to know the cost of immediate loading implants and consider any aftercare that may be required, such as the cost of the final denture. But, it's not just the price that matters! If you choose us, you will be treated by an internationally renowned implantologist with a high level of knowledge and many years of experience. We are welcome patients from the US and European countries such as Germany, Italy, Austria, and more.

In this article, you will find carefully compiled information about the Hungarian aspects of complete dentures fixed on immediate loading implants. You can make your implants price comparison and answer the question. Is it worth coming to Budapest despite the additional travel and accommodation costs? So, without further ado, let's get started.

(FACT #1) Hungary Internationally Recognized, High-Quality Dental Implant Center!
Every year, countless people travel to Hungary to receive high-quality and professional dental care based on dental implantation. Meanwhile, they save money and enjoy Budapest's safe and beautiful spas and other sights. There are numerous internationally recognized dental clinics in Hungary, equipped with the most modern dental tools and working with knowledgeable and experienced dentists and implantologist.

(FACT #2) Acceptable airfare and accommodation rates
A New York-Budapest-New York roundtrip costs about $550. After a preliminary consultation based on an X-ray, a complete oral rehabilitation - includes the necessary number of implants, implantation, and log-term temporary dentures for upper and lower jaws -  ready in 4 or 5 days! It is effortless to find accommodation of acceptable quality adapted to your budget here in Budapest. A 4-stars hotel or apartment in Budapest averages $ 50.00 per night and not to mention the many thousands of AIRBNB accommodation.

(FACT #3) At our dental clinic, the Consultation is FREE!
Most dental clinics in Hungary do not offer free consultations and dental examinations, but iliDent does! In the United States, the average cost of talks and screenings is between $150.00 and $250.00. That means cost savings and roughly covers the cost of a more spartan accommodation and is a positive factor for a complete denture price comparison.

(FACT #4) High-Quality Dental Care
It's a big mistake to believe that lower prices mean lower levels of dental care! That is not the case at all. We treat our patients with the latest dental equipment, guaranteed original Swiss implants, and the highest professional standards! On the other hand, as Hungary is a member of the European Union, the parameters and guidelines of dental treatments and thus their quality also comply with EU standards. Patients virtually get the same treatment they would get in the UK, US, France, or Germany, but at a much lower price!

(FACT #5) Excellent value for money ratio
Although dental tourism also includes the extra costs of accommodation and airfare, the value for money is excellent, as you can expect exceptional dental care with many thousands of dollars in savings. (At the time of writing this article, 1 USD is 317 HUF and 1 EUR is 348 HUF)

Implantation + Implants Price Comparison in US Dollars



Consultation Fee



Denture per jaw





Accommodation for four nights



Other expense$500.00


Total Amount$7,490.00


Like we said earlier, please do not rely solely on the spreadsheet we have created for comparison with a complete denture fixed on one-phase implants. You know the prices and other costs in your area more accurately than ours, so do your research for an even most correct implants price comparison. Your calculations will undoubtedly be more accurate, but we're sure there won't be significant differences in terms of ratios. Finally, we could state that it is worthwhile to travel to Budapest and have done your implant-based denture that fixed on immediate loading implants here.

In our Articles section, you can find more information about dentures, implants, and implantation methods. If you have an opinion about this article, let us know about it in the Comment section below. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.
iliDent Patient Coordination Center © Copyright 2020 iliDent.com

2022. február 2., szerda


Complete mouth restoration by experienced Implantologist specialist

For those who might not know, it should clarify at the outset that one-phase implants and immediate loading implants are the same. The name of this type of implant is also about its two most essential features, i.e., it is implantable in one single phase, and they are loadable immediately right after implantation. Not to be confused with the traditional two-phase implant, which gets its name from the fact that the implantation occurs in two phases. Whatever kind the implant is, the key to success is not just the quality of the implant because the knowledge and practice of the Implantologist specialist are at least as important.

Let's start with a short explanation of complete mouth restoration. As the name implies, complete mouth restoration refers to rebuilding or replacing all the teeth in a patient's mouth. Full mouth reconstructions combine esthetics with the science of restorative dentistry to improve the mouth's health, function, and beauty.

Let's talk about implants first. There are two key players in the success of dental implants. One is the implant itself; the other is the oral surgeon who implants it and makes the new denture. This statement is also proved by practice since, in vain, one uses high-quality implants; if an implantologist is not a master of their profession, it does not know all the ins and outs. To truly become an implant specialist takes years and decades of knowledge and practice in implantology. On the other hand, if someone is ideally at home in implantology, but the assistant or dental technician who works with them or the implant used is not perfect for the task at hand, success may become questionable.

Dental implants
Based on the experience of the last decades, we can say that the dental implant can perfectly replace the natural tooth root! The implants and the implantation technology have evolved tremendously and have now reached near-perfect levels. The only reason dentures fixed on implants have not become even more widespread is that they have cost much. Their price is often higher than the prostheses fixed traditionally. That is primarily due to the high cost of implants made of high-purity titanium alloy.

There are two types of implants. One is the so-called conventional two-phase, the other is the one-phase, immediate loading implant. Both serve the same purpose, yet there are significant differences between them. One of the characteristics of an implantologist specialist is that they are well acquainted with both types of implants and have practiced in their implantation. It is common for one implantologist to be an expert in conventional implants and another for one-phase ones, but an implant specialist is an expert in both types of implants! When thinking about dental implants, choose an implantologist known and recognized in the implant of your choice and implantology.

Implantologist specialist
Whatever the dental implant's super solution, its benefits can be more valuable when implanted in the jawbone by a proper professional. By this, we mean an implantologist oral surgeon who knows everything about implants, both in theory and in practice. He knows precisely the different implant types, characteristics, and properties. They know what kind of implant is necessary to use and all the possibilities to get the best possible denture solution in a given case. One of the essential characteristics of an Implantologist specialist is a perfect knowledge of materials, which means knowing everything there is to know about dental implants.

Perfect knowledge of usable dental implants is necessary but not enough to become a specialist in implantology. It is common for an oral surgeon who specializes in implantology not to perform general dental treatments in larger dentistry. It specializes virtually exclusively in implantation, which is entirely natural given the complexity of implantation and the need for a high level of knowledge and experience. Specialists specializing in implantology do not perform traditional oral surgery procedures, such as resection. All this is understandable, as implanting dental implants requires much attention, knowledge, and practical experience.

What are the other conditions for an implantologist specialist status?
There are individual-dependent and independent conditions. The first essential condition characteristic of an individual is suitability. Whatever we mean by this, every implantologist has this ability. Vocation is not an explicitly professional but also an important condition. If one is not committed to its profession, one cannot excel because commitment is one of the conditions for excellence. The third necessary condition is expertise, which in practice means that you need to know everything about implants and implantation. The basis of a high degree of knowledge and knowledge is the experience gained during many years of work.

Conditions independent of the individual are also fundamental. One cannot become a specialist if the environment that serves them is not suitable. It is important to highlight the assistant and the dental technician. Both need to be excellent professionals because this is the only way an implantologist can be an implantologist specialist in their field! Should also mention the technical conditions. The machines and devices needed for implantation can also affect quality. In addition, there are other conditions, but the ones mentioned are the most important.

As we have seen, there are many conditions for someone to become an implantologist specialist. We have mentioned the most critical needs, but we will mention two more. One of them is logistics, and the other is its dental laboratory, the latter of which is usually possessed by larger dental clinics. This article aims to help those who need dentures fixed on implants and would like this intervention performed by an implant specialist. Our implantologist meets all the conditions and requirements set out in this article!

Many other articles on the subject can be read in our Articles section, which we recommend.
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iliDent Patient Coordinator Center © Copyright 2021 ImmediateLoadingImplants.com

2022. február 1., kedd


Implantation under general anesthesia means complete pain and discomfort free intervention

 Before talking about the topic of implantation under general anesthesia, let’s talk briefly about dental implants themselves. What is a dental implant? A dental implant is nothing more than an artificial root that can replace a natural tooth root—made of high-purity titanium alloy. There are several types of implants, but they are used to replace the natural tooth root. In practice, two main types of implants and, consequently, an implantation method exist. One is the conventional two-phase implant, and the other is the immediate loading, one-phase implant. In this writing, in addition to implantation under general anesthesia, we deal with the latter in more detail; if anyone interested in a two-phase implant can read more about it here.

Key features of an immediate loading implant
This implant and implantation method got its name because, unlike the traditional two-phase implant, the implantation and the preparation of the temporary denture take place in a single phase. As a result, the time of the denture procedure is shorter in a previously unimaginable way.

The immediate loading implant also differs from the traditional multi-piece implant in that it consists of only one piece! This fact has additional benefits for the patient, as it is both cheaper and easier to implant it into the jaw-bone. Once the one-phase implant consists of a single piece, it can make it into different shapes and forms according to the actual needs. The best example of this is when the head of the implant deviates at an angle from the screw part so that it can be implanted into the tooth bone not only vertically but also obliquely as required.

Preparations for dental implantation
As already mentioned, a one-phase implant is easier to insert into the jaw-bone. That is indeed the case, as it does not require an incision of the entire gum and then suturing back after implantation of the implant base. The implantation process begins with a panoramic X-ray. The implantologist needs accurate information about the conditions of the jaw-bone. Then, the implantologist determines precisely where and how many implants and what angle they need to implant. It also depends on the accuracy of this step that the implant will be stable enough to fix the denture firmly. Once the implantologist determines the number of implants needed and discusses all essential details with the patient, implantation begins.

Dental implantation under local anesthesia
As mentioned earlier, an incision of the gums is not required to implant a one-phase implant. The implantation is a simple, invasive surgical procedure. Only a tiny point of the gingival tissue must penetrate to get the implant into the bone tissue. That is why 80% of implantation occurs under local anesthesia, not general anesthesia. The intervention, in this case, is also painless. As we usually say, the most painful is injecting anesthesia, and it is. At the same time, it is also true that you can feel and hear the oral surgeon working in our mouths all the time. Even though “the work” in our mouths is entirely painless, that is an unpleasant feeling.

Once the pain relief is complete, implantation begins. The implantologist starts drilling holes into the pre-designated points. Then screws the implants into the bone tissue, cutting a thread into the bone. This method achieves the most excellent tissue adhesion between the implant and the bone, thus providing the implant’s most excellent stability later.

Dental implantation in this way is more gentle than other oral surgery, including two-phase implantation. The immediate loading implant can be loaded immediately, so it can start making a long-term temporary denture immediately. With this method, a complete oral rehabilitation, which means an entire lower and upper denture, is completed in 3-5 days! Dentures attached to one-phase implants provide perfect biting and chewing force and a highly beneficial appearance.

Dental implantation under general anesthesia
When implantation occurs under general anesthesia, the implantation process is the same as local anesthesia. However, the preparations are different. Trained professionals and external staff perform general anesthesia in close cooperation with the implantologist. Before starting anesthesia, the anesthesiologist should know the patient’s medical history to decide if anesthesia is safe for them.

Implantation under general anesthesia is possible in more than 95% of cases. The anesthesiologist will explain to the patient the process of anesthesia, what and how it will happen during the procedure. Dental implantation is very comfortable under anesthesia, absolutely free of pain and discomfort. When the patient wakes up, he doesn’t remember anything! Your only job is to get used to the implants in your mouth, which you only have a couple of days for, as you will receive your permanent, temporary denture on the third or fourth day after implantation.

It is essential to know that once an anesthesiologist from an outside company perform the anesthesia, its price is not included in the price of the implant implantation. This amount is also given separately on our homepage.

In summary, dental implantation can happen both under general anesthesia and local anesthesia. Given that it is an invasive procedure, adequate local anesthesia also means painless implantation. At the same time, implantation under general anesthesia, in addition to being absolutely pain and discomfort-free, is very convenient and stress-free!

Many other articles on the subject can be read in our Articles section, which we recommend.
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iliDent Patient Coordinator Center © Copyright 2022 ImmediateLoadingImplants.com