2020. február 10., hétfő


Wisdom teeth, signs and symptoms, how they can be removed

Wisdom teeth
which are also known as third molars are the last ones to erupt in the mouth. Being farthest away in the dental arches, they are two in the upper jaw (one on each side) and two in the lower jaw (one on each side). The growth of the wisdom tooth is generally between 17 to 25 years of age or maybe later. They are the last ones to erupt normally, and for their eruption to occur, there must be sufficient growth at the back of the jaws to accommodate the third molars.

The fact is that on a rare occasion you would find all the 32 teeth in your mouth, which includes wisdom as well. People have believed that if third molars are not removed, they become impacted or cause crowding and may move other teeth away. People look up to the dentist to do a dental x-ray and inform them of when and how wisdom tooth would erupt. Adding to it, not having wisdom teeth or having it beneath the gums that would never erupt has scared most of them. The greatest myth of all times that people believe is that everyone needs to remove the wisdom tooth.

However, all of this is not true. Though wisdom teeth can be a possible factor in crowding, few of them do not face any issues with these teeth and their oral health stays normal. Predicting the way wisdom tooth will erupt is not possible through X-ray. Not having wisdom tooth is also OK, unless there are symptoms of a toothache or any other issues.

The symptoms of wisdom tooth erupting are pain, swollen and bleeding gums, jaw pain, swelling around the jaw, bad breath, difficulty in opening the mouth and so on. Wisdom is generally removed due to cavities or gum disease or the mouth isn’t big enough or they have grown in a wrong angle and so on. In such cases, it is okay to remove the wisdom tooth for good oral hygiene.

The wisdom tooth can be removed by a dentist or oral surgeon. Local anesthesia can be taken to avoid pain and discomfort. An incision is made to reach the jawbone and infected teeth. Once the teeth are removed, space is filled with gauze to stop bleeding and heal it.

Wisdom teeth symptoms need to be taken seriously. Ignoring the infection could easily worsen the problems. After surgery, the stitches take around 7 to 10 days to dissolve. Post the surgery, rinsing the mouth with liquid, drinking alcohol or smoking, drinking hot liquids and strenuous physical activity should be avoided.

If you have an opinion regarding the subject, please write it in the Comment section. If you want to learn more about the subject (wisdom teeth), please Contact Us!

Source: iliDent © Copyright 2020 Immediate Loading Implants


Lehetséges bölcsességfog problémák, eltávolításuk módja

A bölcsességfog az a fog, amelyik legutoljára bújik elő a fogcsontból. Ezek a fogak a fogínyen a legtávolabb esnek, a felső állcsonton kettő (mindkét oldalon egy) és az alsó állcsonton kettő (mindkét oldalon egy). A bölcsességfogak megjelenése általában 17-25 éves korban vagy még később történik. Az, hogy ezek a fogak utoljára jelennek meg teljesen normális, azonban az állcsonton elegendő helynek kell lennie a növekedésükhöz. Ez meglehetősen gyakran nem áll rendelkezésre és ilyenkor problémát okozhat a fogazatban.

Az a helyzet ritkán fordul elő, hogy mind a 32 fog nagyjából azonos időben bújik elő, a bölcsességfogat is beleértve. Sokan azt hiszik, hogy ha a bölcsességfog nem kerül eltávolításra, akkor az minden esetben problémát okozhat. Elmennek a fogorvosukhoz, hogy az egy röntgenfelvételt készítve, mondjon véleményt a bölcsességfogaik állapotáról, mert a tudat, hogy esetleg gondot okozhat zavarja őket. Vannak olyanok is, akik valamiért meg vannak győződve arról, hogy a bölcsességfogat mindenképpen el kell távolítani.

Mindez azonban nem így van. Noha a bölcsességfogak okozhatnak torlódást a fogazatban, de ez viszonylag ritkán fordul elő. Azt, hogy a bölcsességfog mikor fog megjelenni, nem lehet előre megjósolni, még röntgennel sem. Az is teljesen rendben van, ha valakinél a bölcsességfogak egyáltalán nem jelennek meg, kivéve, ha azok bármilyen problémát, például fájdalmat okoznak.

A bölcsességfog kitörésének negatív tünetei lehetnek: fájdalom, duzzadt vérző íny, állkapocs-fájdalom, az állkapocs duzzanata, rossz szájszag, a száj nyitásának nehézsége és így tovább. A bölcsességfogat általában az alábbi okok miatt kell eltávolítani:
- kezelhetetlenül nagy lyuk van benne,
- valamilyen fogíny betegséget okoz,
- nehézséget okoz a száj nagyra nyitásában,
- rossz szögben vagy rossz helyen tört fel és nyomja a mellette lévő fogat, fogakat.

A bölcsességfogat gyakorlott fogorvos vagy szájsebész távolíthatja el. Helyi érzéstelenítés szükséges a fájdalom és a kellemetlen érzések elkerülése érdekében. Ha a bölcsességfog úgy okoz panaszt, hogy még nem tört fel, akkor az fogat takaró ínyt fel kell metszeni. A rossz fog eltávolítása után fertőtlenítő géztömés kerül a helyére.

Ugyan azt állítjuk, hogy a panaszmentes bölcsességfogakat nem kell eltávolítani, de az esetleg jelentkező tüneteket mindig komolyan kell venni. A fertőzés vagy gyulladás figyelmen kívül hagyása csak súlyosbíthatja a helyzetet. Ha eltávolításra kerül sor, a műtéti varratok körülbelül 8-10 nap alatt szívóódnak fel. Közvetlenül a műtét után kerülni kell az öblögetést, az alkoholfogyasztást, különösen a dohányzást, továbbá forró folyadékok fogyasztását és az erőteljes testmozgást.

Ha véleménye van a leírtakkal kapcsolatban, kérjük, írja le a Hozzászólás! részben. Ha többet szeretne megtudni a témáról (bölcsességfog), kérjük vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot!

Source: iliDent © Copyright 2020 Immediate Loading Implants

2020. február 4., kedd


How is the process of complete mouth restoration going?

Complete mouth restoration is a procedure to replace your missing or untreatable teeth with full dentures (both upper and lower jaw) fixed on one-phase immediate loading implants. The procedure yields an incredible transformation and it’s a long- term solution to keep your mouth at its healthiest state.

The benefits of complete mouth restoration include improved oral health and functionality and getting rid of aesthetic flaws. In addition to all this, a full mouth restoration helps in resolving several dental issues. Since the implant resembles and acts just like your natural tooth root, it gives you back your chewing functionality and evidently helps you in keeping your health on track with proper nutrition.

Among all of the restorative procedures that can be used for complete mouth restoration, the one-phase, immediate loading implants is certainly a promising one, a lot better than the two-phase conventional dental implants. Though both of the restorative procedures serve the same purpose. However, there’s a major difference between implantation techniques. In a one-phase implantation procedure, an implant can be implemented straight away after the removable of untreatable teeth. Earlier, this was just not possible with two-phased implant procedures. Thus, the technique has revolutionized the implant procedure and significantly minimizes the time and cost involved, especially in case of complete mouth restoration.

The good news is that complete mouth restoration with a one-phase, immediate loading implants can be a solution for almost everyone! As we have emphasized in our previous writings, these types of implants can also be used for those with bone deficiency and inadequate bone density. So, beyond the fact that oral rehabilitation (lower and upper dentures) is completed in just 5 days, the great advantage of single-phase implants is that it can be used for patients with severe bone deficiency.

How’s the Process of complete mouth restoration with one-phase Implants? The usage of one-phase implants, another word immediate loading implant is a simple and straightforward process that doesn’t require bone grafting or sinus lift treatment. It is still applicable in case of significant bone deficiency and is less traumatic than the two-phase conventional one. The full mouth restoration with one-phase implants has a high success ratio and 95 % of the time the procedure is achieved within 5 days.

The process of complete mouth restoration consists of the following key steps

·      Implantation – Removable of unsuitable teeth for prosthetic care, implantation of the needed number of one-phase implants and taking Impression for the dentures.
·      Frame Fitting – Fitting of the metal a frame that carries teeth on the dentures.
·      Denture Fitting – Fitting & adjustment of the long/term temporary dentures.
·      Installation – Setting up long term temporary dentures.
·      Checkup – Testing and adjustment of dentures.

Why the patient first gets long term Temporary dentures?

In the long term, temporary denture can be fitted directly right after your teeth being removed and the implantation process is done. They are the option to help in easing your mouth into wearing a denture. The creation process of temporary dentures is the same as a permanent denture. Its sole purpose is to completely heal the gum, which usually takes 4-6 months and improve your biting impression.

The key benefits of the temporary dentures are not so hard to determine – It allows you to gain back your oral fluency, right after removing teeth and done the implantation, you get back to enjoying the food you love to eat. The only expert advice you need to mug up here is, don’t put too much pressure or strain onto your temporary dentures. Once your permanent denture is prepared, you’ll experience gentle wearing and you’ll be able to lead a life with a better smile. (The price paid for the complete mouth restoration does not include the price of the permanent denture!)

One phased implant has been a life-changing procedure for many people that performs just like your natural teeth. The treatment is less expensive than two-phased conventional implants that save you from 4-6 months of bone healing time. It is promising because of its fast healing time and insignificant surgical intervention.

There is a relatively simple answer to the question in the title, what should I do if I think complete mouth restoration may be the solution for me. The most obvious option is to seek the opinion of our own dentist, on the one hand, as to whether this is really the best solution for us, and on the other, to offer us an experienced implantologist.

The other option is research on the internet. Every oral surgeon for something has a website that is worth studying and even asking for a quote. Care should be taken to use one-phase, immediate loading implants the given oral surgeon. At present, the vast majority of implantologist use conventional two-phase implants. All that has been said in this writing applies only to one-phase, immediate loading implants.

If you have an opinion regarding the subject, please write it in the Comment section. If you want to learn more about the subject (complete mouth restoration), please Contact Us!

iliDent © Copyright 2020 Immediate Loading Implants