2023. november 1., szerda


One-phase implant placement cost in Hungary is significantly lower

Dental implant-based restorations have become increasingly popular in recent years. However, before the one-phase implant placement cost comparison, let's talk briefly about the implants themselves. A dental implant is an artificial tooth root in the tooth bone in the case of missing teeth or, if necessary, in the jawbone* and on which the tooth replacement we will attach later. Implant-based tooth replacement has countless advantages over traditional tooth replacement, but it also has one disadvantage: it costs significantly more.

Therefore, dental implants and implantation are not a cheap pastime, and the total cost depends on many factors. This article compares Western European and US prices with iliDent prices based on oral rehabilitation** treatment. We would also like to prove with numbers that it is worth traveling to Hungary from Western Europe or even the United States if someone needs dental implant-based oral rehabilitation.

Oral rehabilitation based on dental implants is a severe intervention, so choosing a dental clinic with experienced and reliable specialists is essential. Our institution provides high-quality service; we have more than 20 years of experience in dental implants. Despite this, our prices are significantly lower than those of Western European, especially US ones.

The price of implant-based oral rehabilitation in the USA is higher than in Western Europe. The reason for this is primarily the higher costs of healthcare. iliDent's, as we will see later, are competitive compared to US and Western European prices.

In our institution, the one-phase implant placement cost also represents the total cost of the oral rehabilitation treatment. In addition to complete dental care, this type of tooth replacement is our specialty, so we use package price*** pricing. To correctly compare the price of implant and implantation, it is essential to know what the package price includes. In the next block, we list them with headings.

One-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation consists of two parts. In the first, we insert the necessary number of immediate loading implants (8-10) and make the long-term temporary denture(s); in the second, we make the permanent denture(s).

The one-phase implant placement cost includes the following:
- Free, personal consultation with the implantologist who performs the implant placement.
- CT and panoramic x-rays.
- Detailed examination of the oral cavity, with particular regard to the condition of the teeth, jawbone, and gums.
- Consultation with the anaesthetist before general anesthesia.
- General anesthesia.
- Removal of teeth in the oral cavity unsuitable for prosthetic care.
- Preparation of the required number of one-phase implants for implantation.
- Implantation of the required number of one-phase implants.
- Sampling for long-term temporary dentures.
- Preparation of long-term temporary denture(s).
- Fix the long-term temporary denture(s) on the immediately loaded implants. The dentures are fixed and not removable by the patient.
- The necessary control tests.

The implantation takes a few hours, while the preparation of the long-term temporary denture takes a few days. Approximately six months should pass between the first and the second time, but we recommend making the permanent denture within a year. The price of the permanent denture is not included in the package price of the implantation. You can find the current package price here.

With us, the one-phase implant placement cost for the lower jawbone is 6,500 EUR, and the preparation of the final denture cost 3,500 EUR in a package price, so the total cost of oral rehabilitation is only 10,000 EUR. We provide additional discounts to Hungarians living abroad by providing the treatment at Hungarian prices.

In the table, we compare the prices of iliDent with prices in Western Europe and the USA

Country      Upper jaw                Lower jaw               Upper&Lower jaw

iliDent        10 000-12 000 €        9 000-11 000 €         20 000-22 000 €

Germany   25 000-35 000 €        25 000-35 000 €       50 000-70 000 €

UK               20 000-30 000 £      20 000-30 000 £       40 000-60 000 £

USA            50,000.00 $              50,000.00 $              50,000.00 $

It is important to emphasise that cost is not the only factor to consider when deciding. The primary aspect you must consider when choosing is to choose a dental clinic where experienced and reliable professionals work. We can keep our one-phase implant placement cost so low for two reasons. One is that, since we are a dedicated dental clinic operating for several decades, we can get the implants at a more favorable price. The other, even more important, is that our dental laboratory works at the exact location.

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in our Articles section, which we recommend reading.
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iliDent Patient Coordinator Center © Copyright 2023 ImmediateLoadingImplants.com

 * The one-phase immediate loading implant is implantable not only in the tooth bone but also in the jaw bone if necessary. It is of great importance in the case of bone deficiency, as it opens up a more significant opportunity to achieve better quality bone tissue.

** We speak of oral rehabilitation when no teeth are suitable for prosthetic care in the oral cavity. Mouth rehabilitation is possible on the upper, lower, or both jawbones.

*** The implantation package price is carefully designed, considering all costs, free of hidden costs, which we only apply to one-phase implant-based oral rehabilitation dental implantation treatment. 

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