2022. május 4., szerda


What are the three most common dental treatments

 Dental treatments and the materials needed for them play an essential role in dental care. The primary purpose is to keep the teeth in good condition and, in case of deterioration, to treat them. In the case of aesthetic dentistry, conservative dentistry, traditional prosthesis, or dental implant-based replacement of missing teeth, the fundamental goal of dentistry is to maintain or restore perfect chewing ability and aesthetic appearance. In the first part of our writing, we will list the most common traditional dental treatments, and in the second part, the topic will be the replacement of unsuitable or missing teeth. The latter can be a conventional or implant-based denture.

Dental treatments involve three main areas:
- Aesthetic dentistry,
- Preservative dentistry.
- Dentures.
All dental treatments fall into these three categories. We examine all three areas and interpret what exactly is behind the names in the following.


Let's start with this increasingly popular treatment. The primary goal of which is to improve the appearance of your teeth. Aesthetic dentistry is a dental procedure in which an otherwise healthy but, for some reason, not the aesthetic tooth can be made aesthetic. The perfect appearance is essential to more and more people, including the tooth's condition and "appearance." However, aesthetic dentistry is not only about making your teeth more beautiful but also about ensuring that a well-functioning tooth provides the chewing ability that meets your aesthetic expectations. Here are some aesthetic dental treatments.

Direct shell
The direct shell is a unique filler applied to the tooth's front surface. They usually use it on teeth that are stained or discolored due to tooth decay and when a simple filling does not provide the expected aesthetic results.

The first step in the treatment is to thoroughly clean the teeth and then apply the direct shell to the surface of the tooth or teeth. The characteristic of the direct shell is that it can withstand heavy use, so you be able to consume any crispy food, for example. For one or a few teeth, the color must match the color of the other teeth.

Aesthetic filling
Aesthetic filling practically means that caries teeth are filled with a material that meets aesthetic requirements (also). To do this, we use the best quality white filler, which should be shaped and grooved as needed to make the tooth as close as possible to the original tooth or teeth.

Tooth jewelry
Tooth jewelry applying dentistry is also part of aesthetic dentistry. It requires careful and professional dental work to avoid accidentally damaging the tooth enamel. Damage to tooth enamel may cause caries, which can cause severe pain. Choose the safety of professionalism and care even when applying tooth jewelry!


Presentative dentistry generally deals with treating, rescuing, and healing existing teeth. Its primary purpose is to prevent and restore chewing ability and the teeth' aesthetic appearance. The most important treatments in this category are tartar removal, fillings, and root canal treatment.

Tartar is a hardened plaque full of bacteria. Unfortunately, it can develop even with the most careful dental care. Lime in human saliva is deposited not just on the surface of the teeth but also below the gum. Tartar deposition has an aesthetic effect and can also easily cause gingivitis. Tartar formation can be promoted by hereditary factors, smoking, and predisposition. If left untreated, it can lead to loose teeth and tooth loss.

Tartar removal
Tartar removal can be done in several ways, but only by a dentist or a qualified dental hygienist. Tartar removal is not possible at home. Neither the tools nor the knowledge is available for this.

The gentlest method of tartar removal is ultrasonic cleaning of teeth. During ultrasonic tartar removal, the vibration of the ultrasound shatters and removes tartar from the surface of the teeth. All this so that the teeth are not damaged. Tartar removal is followed by polishing, so the teeth become perfectly tartar-free and clean. Dirt is less likely to adhere and deposit on the surface of polished teeth.

Dental filling
Dental filling treatment is required when the surface of the enamel covering the tooth is damaged, which in the vast majority of cases is caused by tooth decay. It is also possible that some damaging physical effects, such as an accident, will damage the enamel. Depending on the degree of caries, we can talk about the following types of dental fillings: traditional, root, inlay, and only dental fillings.

When and what kind of dental filling is needed depends on the condition of the particular tooth. The most common are traditional dental fillings, which occur when caries are already present, but only to a small extent. Root canal filling is necessary when caries extend almost to the entire gut and cannot eliminate with conventional filling. The English word inlay is tooth filling when the more extensive filling is mainly inside the tooth inlay, and onlay when it is primarily on its surface.

All dental fillings have advantages and disadvantages that may relate to the nature or price of the material. For example, gold is the perfect dental filler, but it is also the most expensive and takes longer to treat than other fillers. They use gold, amalgam, composite, ceramic, and glass ionomer for fillers.

The first part of our article revealed that dental treatment occurs in three main areas: aesthetic dentistry, preventative dentistry, and dental prosthesis. This first part was about the first two, and the next second was about dentures, the second most common dental treatment. They make dentures in two ways: conventional or implant placement. If you are interested in writing, Part 2 is available on this page.

In our Articles section, you can find more information about dentures, implants, and implantation methods. If you have an opinion about this article, let us know about it in the Comment section below. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.
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